Week 4

During the week, I worked on finishing the write up of the experiment protocol so that we were able to send it out to a couple of professors at the department for a review/sanity check. I also conducted a literature search and found a few relevant articles that I put on our list of papers to read and possibly cite. Conducting the literature search and iterating on the experiment protocol led to me discovering that we may need to change our scoring analysis of creativity while conducting the study. I found two different word association norms/thesauruses that are relevant to our study and that have been used before, however both of them are old (from the 1970s), and there are some downfalls to both that I found. This search lead to us changing our analysis approach a little bit. I also started to work on integrating Voyager into the codebase and use another lab member’s previous work, however is it becoming evident that I most likely need to create my platform from scratch. The Voyager codebase is also mainly in TypeScript so it is definitely something that I need to pick up.

This week I read Creativity on Paid Crowdsourcing Platforms by Oppenlaender et al. as we had decided that we may run a crowdsourced replication study after our main study. This paper contains so great references, and validates the main parts of our experimental protocol for our replication study.

Next week, I plan on focusing mostly on the build of the experiment platform so that I will meet my goal to pilot the study the following week after the fourth of July weekend. A couple of logistical items that need to be dealt with next week are: reading Kaufman and Beghetto’s paper on The Four C Model of Creativity, drafting the experiment’s video session script, and addressing any feedback that we receive on our experiment protocol.

Written on June 25, 2021