Week 5
This week I made a couple of edits to the pre-registration’s analysis section that we plan on submitting to aspredicted.org, and I spent most of my time working on the platform. We received some great feedback from Dr. Michael Correll and decided to change up our experiment protocol and shorten the experiment a bit, as we decided to deem some of the protocol unnecessary for what were trying to measure. These edits allowed for the experiment platform to be extremely simplified.
This week I began to read The Bohemian Bookshelf: Supporting Serendipitous Book Discoveries through Information Visualization by Alice Thudt, uta Hinrichs, and Sheelagh Carpendale. This paper proposes a visualization system of a library to support serendipitous discoveries. The paper was mentioned to us in Dr. Correll’s notes via a peer review of our experiment protocol.
Next week, I plan on focusing mostly on finishing the build of the experiment platform so that I will meet my goal of starting pilot the study the following week (we postponed the pilot from after the fourth of July weekend to the week after that). A couple of logistical items that need to be dealt with next week are: finish reading the Bohemian Bookshelf paper, complete the IRB feedback edits, read Kaufman and Beghetto’s paper on The Four C Model of Creativity, finishing the draft of the experiment’s video session script, and writing more in the Overleaf’s Introduction and Motivation & Research Sections of the papers.