Week 6
This week I finished reading the Bohemian Bookshelf paper and wrote a short summary regarding the paper, and I also completed the IRB feedback edits that I received (along with our new protocol edits). We received some great feedback from Dr. Remco Chang and decided to change up our experiment protocol again and incorporate several more surveys to the experiment, as we decided to deem some of the protocol necessary for what we’re trying to measure. These edits allowed us to measure more variables in our experiment.
This week I finished reading the Bohemian Bookshelf: Supporting Serendipitous Book Discoveries through Information Visualization by Alice Thudt, uta Hinrichs, and Sheelagh Carpendale, from the week prior. This week I started reading Kaufman and Beghetto’s paper on The Four C Model of Creativity that I needed to delay due to papers that seemed more relevant in feedback we had received. Dr. Battle brought up a paper relating to a study on Pinterest boards that could be very similar to our visualization analysis tool task’s protocol; the paper was called Using Metrics of Curation to Evaluate Information-Based Ideation by Kerne et al.
During the beginning of next week, I plan on focusing mostly on finishing the build of the experiment platform and adding the note feature to the platform that we had decided on yesterday. A couple of logistical items that need to be dealt with next week are: finish reading Kaufman and Beghetto’s paper on The Four C Model of Creativity, finishing the draft of the experiment’s video session script and finalizing it with the team, editing out experiment protocol in the paper and pre-registration, and writing more in the Overleaf’s Introduction and Motivation & Research Sections of the papers. We hope to begin piloting the study this week.